Start count is the number of current followers, likes, views the page / post have which you order.
Example: Your Instagram page have 1000 followers now. If you order followers service on our website then the order start count will be 1000
Sometimes server got problem and unable to take order and it cancel the order. If any order got cancel, it automatically refund the money for that order too. Check the order it's cost 0. You can check your account balance too. In this case just order again.
If any service name have refill, please check the description for how many days it provide refill guarantee. On the other hand, if any service name have "No Refill" mean this is no gurantee service and it can drop at any time. If drop we are not responsible for it.
R30 means 30 days refill guarantee and R60 means 60 days Refill guarantee similarly it mentioned R99, R100 etc.